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    長期供應 EMF shield

    信息來自: 廣州市金帛防電磁輻射布料公司
    發(fā)布時間: 2012-08-23 14:47
    有效時限: 長期有效
    所屬類型: 家用紡織品,幕簾系列
    Electromagnetic wave repellent curtain ,Electromagnetic wave repellent fabrics,electromagnetic wave repellent wear, electromagnetic wave shield cloth, electromagnetic wave shelter, shieldron fabric
    Electromagnetic wave repellent fabrics                                   
    Two types of shielding anti high-frequency electromagnetic wave fabrics
    1. Electromagnetic wave repellent blending fabrics
    The appearance of this type of fabrics is similar to normal fabrics. It is made by blending metal shielding fibers and other fibers. Shielding fibers are smoother and softer then natural silks. The test results show that, the degree of shielding effectiveness of this type of fabrics is up to 99.9% (above 30dB). Meanwhile, it possesses the attributes of normal fabrics, like softness, evenness, ventilation, endurance, compactness, firmness and longevity etc. It is suitable for making the outfit for pregnant women as well as uniforms.
    Width: 1.5 meters;
    Thickness: thin, thick
    Thin: shielding fibers 20%; cotton 28%; polyester 52%
    Thick: shielding fibers 25%; cotton 45%; polyester 30%
    2. Ion shielding fabrics
    Ion shielding fabrics are high technology products. The degree of shielding effectiveness of this type of fabrics reaches 99.999999% (above 78dB). It is very effective in guarding against radiation. It can be used for preventing the radiation at facilities such as telecommunication operating rooms, radical bases, television and broadcasting stations, and radar launching stations. It can be made into products such as curtains and clothes. When cleaning the product, be sure to wipe it gently instead of rubbing it. If a cell phone is covered with this fabric, the cell phone cannot make or receive calls. 
    1. Electromagnetic wave repellent
    Electromagnetism radiation can have immeasurable damage to the nervous system, the immune system, the circulation and the reproduction system of human body. This fabric can reflect and absorb 99.9% of electromagnetism radiation within the range of 10MHZ to 16GHZ. It can effectively shield against electromagnetism radiation from machines, electronic appliances and launching stations.
    2. Distant infra red health protection, anti static electricity and disinfection
    It can enhance and improve the circulation of the surface structure of human body, improve the metabolism and protect the human body.
    Testing methods
    A.   Measure the electric conduction: The multi meter can be used to test the product’s electric conduction. The normal fabrics do not conduct electricity.
    B.   Use fire to burn the shielding fabrics. The blending type, after being burned, will remain as a layer of shielding silk net, and the ion fabrics will remain a pile of metal powder.
    C.   Hand hold electromagnetism radiation tester. When radiation exists, the red light will be on. If the radiation source is shield with anti radiation fabrics, green light will be on, which proves that the radiation has been shielded.
    Blending electromagnetism radiation fabrics is suitable for making all kinds of clothes for people like pregnant women, office workers, housewives, children, senior citizens as well as people working close to electromagnetism radiation sources like electronics, telecommunications, power stations. This type of fabrics can also be used for instruments that need protection against electromagnetism radiation or require confidentiality.  
    Conversion table for dB and shielding effective %
    3dB→50%;     6dB→75%;     9dB→87.5%; 12dB→93.75%;  30dB→99.9%;  70dB→99.9999%; 
    Manufacturing and distribution
    Guangzhou Jinbo Company manufactures and distributes fabrics, materials, uniforms, curtains that shield electromagnetism radiation, fabrics and wire that conduct electricity, shielding zipper, shielding magic sticker, anti static electricity cloth and inflammable cloth & Mobile phone bag. Jinbo Company provides technical support and consultation for its products. The products are of various color, high quality and high compactness. If order requires large quantity, product can be customized per customers request. Meanwhile, Jinbo provides low frequency magnetic field shielding material that can effectively shield the damages caused by compressor and motors.
    Tel:0086-15338055703; Fax:0086-20-89804885
    Anti-radiation fabric;material; velcro ; thetent ; vest; clothing; shirt; zipper; workclothes; window blind; Anti-radiation wallpaper; Anti-radiation shield window blind;
    Electromagnetic radiation shield curtain;clothing; material; velcro; thetent ; vest; zipper;
    Electromagnetic radiation protection clothing; material; velcro ; thetent ; vest; shirt; zipper;
    Electromagnetic wave shielding material; velcro ; thetent ; vest; clothing; shirt; zipper; workclothes; window blind;
    Microwave protection fabric; material; clothing; curtain;material; velcro ; thetent ; vest; clothing; shirt; zipper; workclothes; window blind;
    Electric conduction fabric; material; zipper; velcro; thetent ; vest; clothing; shirt; workclothes; window blind;
    Electromagnetic wave repellent curtain , fabric; material; clothing; curtain;material; velcro ; thetent ; vest; clothing; shirt; zipper; workclothes; window blind;
    EMF Shielding & Conductive Fabric, material; velcro ; thetent ; vest; clothing; shirt; zipper; workclothes; window blind; wallpaper;
    High frequency shielding fabric, material; velcro ; thetent ; vest; clothing; shirt; zipper; workclothes;
    EMF shield  規(guī)格拉簾 用途窗簾 成份matel


    公 司 名:廣州市金帛防電磁輻射布料公司
    所 在 地:中國 廣東
    聯(lián) 系 人:彭小姐



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